Verbesserung der UVI Falcon IRCAM-Violine

In the normal, classical play, the strings in Falcon’s IRCAM solo instruments are boring. You can make them more realistic. I use a multi of three presets. 1. Ordinario KS (KeySwitcher), 2. Fortepiano, 3. Sforzando. Number two and three have less volume. The sound is still insufficient, too little dirty, still not exactly alive. Where to add a little overdrive? I put it on the layer of the second instrument. Finito. – In order to use the whole spectrum of loud and quiet, I increase the velocity amount, but still < 100%.

Donnerstag, 20. Mai 2021 um 4:52 pm Themenbereich: Musik                 RSS 2.0 Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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